What is like a smelly fart
that, although invisible, is obvious?
One’s own faults, that are precisely
as obvious as the effort made to hide them.
– Kelsang Gyatso, the seventh Dalai LamaOrdinary people try to hide their faults and show what they think of as their good qualities. However, the more we try to hide a fault the more pronounced it becomes. The only remedy is the transcendence of the fault. As long as it still holds sway over us it is definite that it will continue to manifest.
The first step in overcoming out faults is the arousal of the determination to face and acknowledge them when they appear. Ordinary beings don’t do this, and instead try to hide them from both self and others.
More on Dalai Lamas : DalaiLama.com
Book reference: Gems of Wisdom from the seventh Dalai Lama by Glenn H. Mullin