Who are the most evil

Who are the most evil
of all beings in the world?
Those who use their strength and power
as a means of harming others

– Kalsang Gyatso, the seventh Dalai Lama

We tend to think of power as a problem only of the rich and mighty, but in fact we all have it to some degree, even if only over our children and family members, or over the animals and insects with which we share our environment, No matter what the degree of power we have, our responsibility is to use it wisely. In brief, it should be harnessed to the increase of the good and the wholesome, and used as a means of contributing to happiness for self and others.

More on Dalai Lamas : DalaiLama.com
Book reference: Gems of Wisdom from the seventh Dalai Lama by Glenn H. Mullin

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